I always inform clients on how important it is to keep your website up to date. I liken it to a car: if you don’t get it serviced and replace the parts that need to be replaced, then it is going to break down. In the worst case scenario, suffer an accident or cause you a potentially expensive loss.
Just like locking the doors of your car, investing in and activating an alarm system and paying for insurance, your website should have security and safety measures in place. If not then disaster could ensue.
iThemes Security is one of the plugins I always install on websites to help prevent unwanted attention from vulnerability’s. It helps to harden and monitor a website from these attacks but as always with a website it is only as strong as the weakest link, which in this case is keeping a website up to date.
Have a look at the infographic below for the top 5 WordPress security vulnerabilities kindly shared by iThemes.